Welcome to Southwood

These are our key aims over the next ten years based on our woodland management plan:
The primary aim for Southwood is to achieve an increase in its BioDiversity. At the end of the first TEN years, we would hope to see:
Good progress towards greater plant diversity; with a wide range of habitats and food sources available throughout the year; with a thriving and diverse wildlife supported by targeted encouragement. Four or more veteran trees will have been identified and supported.
A pond fed by the springs in the wood will form a particularly important habitat.
The current dominance of skinny, sixty-year old oak will have been reduced and there will be progress with modification of its age structure.
Southwood already has other species of native broadleaf trees, including beech, alder, silver birch, and ash, which will be encouraged and some hazel coppice woodland will be re-established.
Invasive species, in particular rhododendron will have been eliminated as a threat to the wood's ecology and holly will have been reduced.
Deer and grey squirrel will the subjects of management plans in order to minimise the potential damage they can do to young trees and wildlife.
There will be a modest output of a limited range of woodland products, primarily bio-charcoal derived in the first place from the rhododendron, and wood fuel.
To facilitate work and access into the wood for work, recreational, and educational purposes, a network of pathways and tracks will have been developed along with appropriate facilities and equipment.
To support the wood's development and inform the work being done, a network of experienced people and training resources will be established.
Click on the button to read the full text of our management plan.